Mark your calendars for AMCP 2025!
AMCP 2025 poster abstract submission portal is now closed!

Abstracts presentations provide an opportunity for authors to share their insights and outcomes to advance managed care practice, both through presentations at AMCP spring and fall annual meetings and through publication in AMCP’s Journal of Managed Care & Specialty Pharmacy (JMCP). Of the abstracts accepted for publication, most are presented as posters, so interested AMCP meeting attendees can review the findings and query authors.

Poster Abstract Submission FAQs
Do I have to pay registration in order to present my poster?
If your poster is accepted, you will be responsible for your own meeting registration fee and travel. Active members of AMCP are eligible to register at the discounted member rate. Special discounted rates also are available for student members and resident/fellow/graduate student members. Registration must be for the set up date and the presentation date.
Do I have to be an AMCP member to submit a poster abstract?
No. All submitters are encouraged to apply for membership in the association.
Do you accept QR codes (bar codes) on the posters?
Yes, QR codes are fine as long as it only connects to the abstract/poster and not at a company website.
When will I know if my poster abstract was accepted for presentation?
All authors will receive the accept/reject notification via email. Notices are typically sent within 4-6 weeks of the closing date.
Will my abstract (if accepted) be published?
All accepted Professional Reviewed abstracts are published in the Journal of Managed Care & Specialty Pharmacy (JMCP). Student/Resident/Fellow Non-reviewed and Encore abstracts are not published in the JMCP or indexed in PubMed. Please note that students, residents, and fellows are eligible to submit to the Professional Reviewed category if they would like their work to be peer-reviewed (and published).
What are the length requirements?
Abstracts may not exceed 2,600 characters (including spaces). The abstract title, author name, disclosure statements and author institution and are not counted towards this character limit. Everything else is including sponsorship.
Are tables and figures accepted in the abstract?
Can I withdraw my abstract after the submission deadline and after acceptance?
Yes. To withdraw, please send an email containing the abstract title, to A “withdrawn” notice will then be placed on the poster board in the poster hall, AMCP cannot ensure removal from the published JMCP abstract book.
What is the average attendance for the meetings?
The Annual Meeting in March/April averages 3,200 attendees, Nexus (in October) averages 2,000 attendees.
Can an abstract with results that will be available at the time of the meeting be reviewed?
No, only student/resident/fellow (non-reviewed) abstracts may be submitted for review. All reviewed abstracts MUST have a complete results section or it will not be accepted.
Does AMCP accept Encore abstracts?
AMCP does accept poster abstracts that have been published as an abstract or article in a publication other than JMCP; however the abstracts are not printed. Encore abstracts are typically reviewed by journal editors only (not-peer reviewers).
Does AMCP have an embargo policy?
All abstracts selected for presentation are embargoed from the time of submission until the Poster Abstract Supplement is posted to the JMCP Website (two weeks before the AMCP meeting). The supplement can be found at (Updated Sept. 26, 2018.)
When will the abstract supplement appear online?
The abstract supplement will be available online 2 weeks prior to the presentation date. Simultaneous publication of manuscripts containing abstract data is permissible as long as the embargo policy of AMCP is not compromised. If a manuscript containing abstract data has been accepted for publication in a peer-reviewed journal, the presenter is responsible for ensuring that the journal respects the AMCP embargo policy.
What types of abstracts are NOT appropriate for AMCP?
AMCP does NOT accept individual case studies, pharmacokinetic studies, or marketing/non-scientific abstracts.
AMCP makes every effort NOT to accept multiple abstract submissions based off of a single study when there is no scientific rationale for multiple submissions. This practice is viewed unfavorably by the review and editorial staff.
Does AMCP accept late-breaking abstracts?
Does AMCP allow the use of brand names?
Brand names followed by generic can be used in the first mention of a product. Thereafter, the generic name alone should be used.
What size is the poster board?
The poster board is 4' high x 8' wide. As long as the combined size of your poster materials fit within the 4' high x 8' wide frame, you may tailor the size and format of your materials to be conducive to the effectiveness of your presentation. It is strongly recommended that your pieces be laminated. Please note that this is a change in size from previous meetings.
Does the listed presenting author have to be the one presenting?
No. Any of the other listed authors may present as long as he or she has full knowledge of the content and can answer questions.
Please contact us at For more information and guidelines for poster presenters, visit our Poster Abstracts page.