Sponsorship and Exhibiting Opportunities
Maximize your brand's impact and connect with key decision-makers at AMCP 2025. Explore sponsorship and exhibiting opportunities to expand your reach, foster partnerships, and secure lucrative deals.

Sponsorship Opportunities

Spotlight Sessions
Share the latest drug therapies, technologies, and disease-state education through in-person Spotlight Sessions (15-, 30-, 60-minute time slots).

Attendee Experiences
Offer a wow factor at AMCP 2025 via the Headshot Studio, Dog Bark Lounge, or Zen Den sponsorship.

Attendee Resources + Advertising
Gain visibility and enhance attendee participation at AMCP 2025 through opportunities on the meeting website, mobile app, attendee newsletter, and registration sponsorships.
Get in Front of Managed Care Decision Makers

Vibrant, multi-faceted expo featuring exhibits, 4 product theaters, premium furnished networking lounges, and 300+ scientific poster presentations.

Thirteen exhibiting hours including many unopposed expo events, such as the opening reception and luncheon for all attendees.

Dynamic sponsorship opportunities to showcase your brand through events, show-floor activations, and digital and print marketing at the venue and AMCP hotels.