Call for Session Proposals

Mark your calendars for AMCP Nexus 2025!

Call for Proposal submission portal opens on: Monday, March 31, 2025
Call for Proposal submission portal closes on: Monday, May 5, 2025

Proposals must include ALL the requested elements found within the online form. Submissions MUST indicate the specific topic that the session will cover based on the list provided by AMCP. Specific topics will be listed in the official call for proposals on the meetings website.

All presentations must:

  • Be based on and reference the best available evidence.
  • Give a balanced view of therapeutic options and/or programs and services.

Please Note: Preference will be given to proposals that highlight real-world examples of innovations in managed care, share outcomes data, and/or provide diverse professional perspectives. Session proposals that have already received commercial support or are submitted by a marketing representative or company will be disqualified from the call for session proposals.

Session Proposal Submission Requirements

The following fields will be required for the submission:

  1. Proposal Title 
    A proposal must have a short, specific presentation title (containing no abbreviations) that indicates the nature of the presentation.
  2. Needs Assessment/Knowledge Gap Information 
    A proposal must include a description (at least 300 words) of why the topic addressed in the proposed session is important to managed care pharmacists, as well as the “knowledge gap” that the session will fill. Questions to consider covering include: What is happening now versus what is needed and desired in practice? What problems are caused by the current status/behaviors/practices? What benefits would result from the desired status/behaviors/practices?

    Include a minimum of three citations to published information or evidence, preferably national guidelines, peer-reviewed health care literature, regulatory requirements, or similar expert/authoritative sources.
  3. Session Description 
    AMCP will request a brief (no more than 150 words) session description suitable for inclusion on the meeting website. The description should reflect the session content accurately and be worded in a way that entices the audience to attend.
  4. Detailed Program Agenda  
    Each proposal must contain an agenda of what information will be covered by each faculty presenter and for how long.
  5. Learning Objectives  
    As part of the submission process, each proposal must contain at least three measurable, specific learning objectives that define what pharmacists should be able to do at the completion of the proposed session. The objectives should address the identified needs and knowledge gap. They also should elicit or describe observable or measurable behaviors on the part of participants.
  6. Faculty  
    Each submission should have a list of confirmed faculty for the session. These faculty members agree to speak at the meeting and are available during the conference dates. AMCP will not review or accept proposals where faculty have been invited, but not confirmed.
  7. Level of Interactivity  
    AMCP encourages active participation and interactivity with the attendees, we are looking for different types of interaction. If AMCP wanted a more engaged session, what could you do? How would you engage the audience?
  8. Disclosure of Financial Support  
    Each submission should disclose any financial support from a commercial interest (e.g., pharmaceutical industry) for any original research or data proposed. 

The call for proposals is typically open for four weeks. The timeline is above and will be promoted via direct email and social media.

Evaluation of Proposals

CPE proposals will be evaluated by the AMCP education staff and Educational Affairs Committee. Criteria for review include but are not limited to topic relevancy to the managed care professional, risk of promotional bias, and expertise of faculty listed.

Preference will be given to proposals that highlight real-world examples of innovations in managed care, share outcomes data, and/or provide diverse professional perspectives.

Please note that session proposals that have already received commercial support or submitted by a marketing representative or company will be disqualified from the call for session proposals. 


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